BEK has written 12 articles

Outdoor Cooling Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions

Outdoor cooling is really a big challenge, particularly in hot climate regions. This is due to high ambient temperature, humidity and sun radiation. What is outdoor cooling? Outdoor cooling is the concept of cooling people or animals within open or semi-open areas. This can also be applicable to indoor areas and buildings where large volumes…

Animal Evaporative cooling to reduce the danger of heat stress

Heat stress in dairy cattle Every summer we watched the cows suffer from heat stress and therefore it is advisable to be prepared. Heat stress in dairy cattle I. INTRODUCTION Heat stress is the result of the imbalance between the amount of energy flowing from the environment surrounding the animal and the ability to remove…

Facebook Data Center Evaporative Cooling

Typical data center mechanical systems usually do not use evaporative cooling , traditional air conditioning system used to cool the server room with a central chilled water plant and cooling towers. Facebook good data center design is all about efficiency and how efficiently they use energy, materials, and water, and how they tie together to…


  Dewpoint During the warmer months, we can use the “Dew Point” as useful and interesting discomfort index. This particular weather element gives us an idea of how comfortable or uncomfortable we feel within the framework of hot and humid weather of the summer season. This information can be used at any time in our…

Heat index

In the summer, humidity is the element that increases the feeling of embarrassment. RG Stedman (EE.UU.1979) developed the parameter windchill combined effect of heat and moisture from studies on human physiology and the heat transfer between the body, clothing and environment. When humidity is high, the wind chill value exceeds that of the air temperature.…

Wind chill

  Wind chill As is known, the temperature of the outside air is not always a safe and reliable indicator to determine the cold that a person can feel, if exposed outdoors. There are other meteorological parameters influencing such as wind speed, radiation and humidity. The windchill term is used to describe the lower temperature that…


Temperature The temperature is a measure of the heat energy present in a substance, be it solid, liquid or gaseous.The heat, in turn, is energy that manifests as molecular vibration of a substance or as electromagnetic radiation. In simple terms we can say that heat is the phenomenon, while the temperature is a way to…

Dry-bulb temperature

Dry bulb temperature The dry bulb temperature, or just dry temperature, air temperature measured without considering environmental factors such as radiation, humidity and air movement, which have the potential to significantly affect thermal sensation. One of the most used instruments for measuring the dry bulb temperature is the mercury thermometer, which consists of a thin…

Wet-Bulb temperature

Wet-Bulb temperature : Wet bulb temperature If we have to study evaporative cooling, psychrometry, thermodynamics, or just work in a place where there are cooling towers, the wet bulb temperature and dry bulb. Often confused and not clearly understand the concept. The wet bulb temperature is a temperature measurement type physical properties of a system…

Evaporative Cooling Types

Evaporative Cooling Types: 1. Evaporative Coolers: There is many names for this coolers (outdoor air coolers, Evaporative air coolers, swamp coolers or desert coolers) Direct Evaporative coolers (DEC) How it works: Main stream of air passing throw wet evaporative media Advantages:  Low-cost, easy to maintain, hug amount of air flow, very low power consumption Disadvantages:…