3 articles Evaporative Cooling Technology Articles

Evaporative Cooling Technology Articles

Outdoor Cooling Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions

Outdoor cooling is really a big challenge, particularly in hot climate regions. This is due to high ambient temperature, humidity and sun radiation. What is outdoor cooling? Outdoor cooling is the concept of cooling people or animals within open or semi-open areas. This can also be applicable to indoor areas and buildings where large volumes…

Facebook Data Center Evaporative Cooling

Typical data center mechanical systems usually do not use evaporative cooling , traditional air conditioning system used to cool the server room with a central chilled water plant and cooling towers. Facebook good data center design is all about efficiency and how efficiently they use energy, materials, and water, and how they tie together to…

Evaporative Cooling Types

Evaporative Cooling Types: 1. Evaporative Coolers: There is many names for this coolers (outdoor air coolers, Evaporative air coolers, swamp coolers or desert coolers) Wikipedia.org Direct Evaporative coolers (DEC) How it works: Main stream of air passing throw wet evaporative media Advantages:  Low-cost, easy to maintain, hug amount of air flow, very low power consumption Disadvantages:…