Facebook Data Center Evaporative Cooling

Typical data center mechanical systems usually do not use evaporative cooling , traditional air conditioning system used to cool the server room with a central chilled water plant and cooling towers.

Facebook good data center design is all about efficiency and how efficiently they use energy, materials, and water, and how they tie together to bring about cost efficiency. they previously shared information on energy and materials efficiency, and today they release the first water usage effectiveness measurements and information on how they achieved what we think is a strong level of efficiency in water use for cooling .

The system design for this data center is straight forward. The misting system placed to cool down supply air stream that will be fed into the main data-center hall. It basically replaces the evaporative cooling Media. with High pressure misting system (fans, high pressure pumps,nozzles, filters) . the cooling effect is result of misting system evaporative cooling effect.



For temporary portable outdoor AC rental in Dubai, you could check xCooling service as well.

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